Menopausal Problems Treatment in Kolkata
The best gynaecologist in Dumdum, Dr. Sukhamoy Barik treats all kinds of premature menopause with 100% efficacy.

The Causes of Menopause
Menopause ensues when the ovaries no longer release an egg every month, thus, stopping menstruation. Though menopause is a regular part of ageing, some women may experience menopause quite early and prematurely. The causes behind such premature menopause could be manifold: removal of ovaries by hysterectomy, damage to the ovaries, chemotherapies and others.
What Causes Premature Menopause?
Some miscellaneous causes include:
1) Premature Ovarian Failure
If your ovaries prematurely suspend releasing eggs before the age of 40, the condition is called: premature ovarian failure. While premature menopause is irreversible, premature ovarian failure might not be a permanent condition.
2) Induced Menopause
According to the opinions of the best Gynaecologist doctors in Birati, induced menopause results when the doctor surgically removes your ovaries for myriad medical reasons, such as uterine cancer or endometriosis. Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can often damage your ovaries and kick-start menopause.
3) The Symptoms of Menopause
Most women undergo a range of common symptoms while nearing menopause. The symptoms include hot flashes, sudden feelings of warmth surging and spreading over the upper body, and blushing and sweating. Other discernible symptoms of menopause include:
- Uneven and missed periods
- Insomnia
- Mood Swings
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Crankiness
- Racing heart
- Headaches
- Joint and muscle aches and pains
- Vaginal dryness
- The frequent impetus to urinate