High blood pressure can lead to a high-risk pregnancy. Learn more from the best high-risk pregnancy doctor.

Can high blood pressure affect pregnancy?

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition that can not only affect the mother but also the developing baby. Get to know how high blood pressure can negatively affect pregnancy from the best high risk pregnancy doctor in Dum Dum.

How does high blood pressure affect pregnancy?

For Mothers

Pregnant women who have high blood pressure can develop complications like preeclampsia or eclampsia. This can put the mother at risk of organ damage or seizures. Chronic hypertension can further enhance the chances of placental abruption (separation of the placenta from the uterine wall), premature birth and cesarean delivery.

Some women with hypertension at the time of pregnancy can experience cardiovascular problems. For example, these individuals are more prone to suffer from stroke or heart failure. This underscores the importance of regular monitoring during pregnancy. 

Moreover, increased blood volume and hormonal changes can also result in high blood pressure. For some women, this can also contribute to gestational hypertension. However, chronic hypertension can cause long-term health complications for the mother.

For Babies

High blood pressure can significantly impact the health of the baby. For instance, the best high risk pregnancy specialists state that insufficient blood flow to the placenta can result in growth restrictions and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also lead to reduced nutrient supply and oxygen to the baby, which potentially causes developmental issues.

In addition, babies born to mothers with high blood pressure might be at a higher risk of preterm birth and respiratory problems. This necessitates doctors to check the newborn’s health condition immediately after birth. In severe cases of gestational hypertension, there is a higher risk of neonatal death or stillbirth.

Managing high blood pressure during pregnancy

The management of high blood pressure during pregnancy involves careful monitoring and some lifestyle changes. Regular prenatal check-ups also play a vital role in tracking high blood pressure levels and detecting problems early on. Doctors might recommend dietary changes like a low-sodium diet, increased physical activity and medication. Also, women who are planning to conceive must prioritize their health by engaging in regular exercise, managing stress and maintaining a stable weight to reduce the risk of obesity, which can lead to hypertension in pregnancy. If you have high blood pressure and want to conceive, consult the best high risk pregnancy doctor in Dum Dum and go for a prenatal evaluation to reduce the risk of complications. They will further offer effective guidance on how to manage your condition to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.